Now I've never actually browsed the AVN (Australian Vaccination Network) page before today, or had any interactions there beyond once 'liking' a post another of my friends had liked (from memory it was something innocuous like a call for better information on adverse reactions, or something like that). I'm not an AVN robot. I've simply been through something that exposes possible holes in our government/corporate chain of statements about autism (what it is, what may cause it and what may help).
Indeed the first time I'd ever looked at an AVN video was when I navigated to Stop the A/AVN! My response to that video was that the woman speaking sounded quite fair and reasonable.
Stupidly, I began to talk on the Stop the A/AVN page about my girl's nightmare, her chelation, the astonishing results (a swallowing turnaround in 2 days; a lopsidedness turnaround in 2 weeks; myriad other turnarounds). I say 'stupidly' because it resulted in a mostly unpleasant discussion and at one point I was effectively called 'friggin' dumb'. One of my comments (questioning whether the page was a Big Pharma troll site) was reported to Facebook, and the entire discussion was swiftly removed.
What I didn't realise is that I'd joined an ongoing war. I was just saying what happened, sharing information I thought others might find interesting. I can't help feeling my discussion was removed from the Stop the A/AVN site because it made sense!
Here is the AVN's Facebook page:
Australian Vaccination Network
Here are a few of the Facebook pages linked to on Stop the A/AVN that run the same or similar campaigns:
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