Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mercury in light bulbs... Whose bright idea was that?

We have an epidemic of autism. We have tiny newborn babies given vaccines containing mercury before their blood-brain barriers are developed, and that dose is over a hundred times higher than the recommended adult daily exposure (according to the US FDA). Meanwhile we have generally increased atmospheric mercury loads because of ongoing burning of coal in coal-fired power stations. We have warnings about eating fish that have acquired mercury most likely as a result of coal-burned vapour falling into mountain streams and flowing into the oceanic food chain.

And now we have laws that mandate the use of mercury-laden light bulbs in every Australian house.

Why was our government so keen to outlaw incandescent bulbs and introduce these new products? Surely the cost of power would have been incentive enough for consumers to drift toward low-wattage bulbs?

Are they trying to make it impossible for parents of mercury-affected children to sue for vaccinal damage down the track? Supposing mercury is proven to be the culprit, their lawyers will simply say, 'Tell me, Mr and Mrs Smith, have you ever broken a light bulb in your house?' You can't prove mercury from vaccines caused the damage if you've allowed your children to inhale mercury from other sources.

Meanwhile, try finding the instructions on the light bulb packs about vacating the room and leaving windows open for fifteen minutes to allow the mercury vapour to dissipate... I had to go web trawling to find that information.

Something is very wrong with a system that won't release information that may prove or disprove a link between coal-derived mercury vapour and autism, that constantly focus on genes at the expense of environmental research, that relies on flawed studies to claim vaccinal mercury is safe, and that mandates the use of light bulbs that contain mercury, yet tells us not to eat fish!

Something causes autism.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mercury and autism research...

A hit on PubMed that looks interesting, titled 'Mercury and autism: accelerating evidence?' Unfortunately I don't have access to more than the abstract.

According to the abstract (authored by Mutter J, Naumann J, Schneider R, Walach H and Haley B at the Institute for Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany), the links between mercury exposure and autism are real.

The abstract notes: 'Recently, it was found that autistic children had a higher mercury exposure during pregnancy due to maternal dental amalgam and thimerosal-containing immunoglobulin shots.' Furthermore, 'In vitro, mercury and thimerosal in levels found several days after vaccination inhibit methionine synthetase (MS) by 50%. Normal function of MS is crucial in biochemical steps necessary for brain development, attention and production of glutathione, an important antioxidative and detoxifying agent. Repetitive doses of thimerosal leads to neurobehavioral deteriorations in autoimmune susceptible mice, increased oxidative stress and decreased intracellular levels of glutathione in vitro. [...] Promising treatments of autism involve detoxification of mercury, and supplementation of deficient metabolites.'

It's interesting to read the point about neurobehavioural deterioration in 'autoimmune susceptible mice'. There are a few autoimmune issues in my family history (for instance eczema and allergies). But you have to look at the most recent generation to find any autism.

Something causes autism.


Autism, mercury and coal

An article by Debra Jopson in the Sydney Morning Herald back in October says:
'A researcher who has found strong evidence that autism is caused by mercury poisoning has been refused access to data that could point to emissions from coal-fired power stations.'

Apparently information on autism by postcode is being withheld by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs on privacy grounds.

See 'Autism coal link study stalled by government' by Debra Jopson in The Sydney Morning Herald, Fairfax, October 4, 2010.

Something causes autism.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Suicidal tendencies...

I just read about a woman who killed herself after feeling she'd failed her autistic child for not preventing autism or finding useful treatments.

I'm not a suicidal person. In fact, I quite enjoy being here for the next challenge. Life may be hard, but it's always interesting. But I say that now, after the worst is already long behind us and Milli continues to improve.

Ask me how I was when Milli was enduring 18 months of crashing deterioration, couldn't eat and couldn't recognise people.

Ask me how I felt when doctors offered no more hope than that Early Intervention may help her learn to socialise, while our girl couldn't even eat or drink.

Ask me how I felt when paediatricians assessed her at a glance and spent more time warning us about cat droppings in schoolyard sandpits than taking detailed observations and measurements. And no-one ever suggested an ECG.

Ask me how I felt when our nights were a ragged sleepless nightmare and we were on our own. When grandparents took no interest because they simply had no idea what autism was, or why our child had it, or what they should do. When our girl went four days without eating or drinking. When my partner started treating me like a madwoman for researching on the internet. When I held this grey, limp, dying child in my arms and knew I had to do something drastic, but had no support to do so.

Ask me how I felt when doctors said it was genetic, but nobody in my family or my partner's family in any generation above this one had autism.

I felt responsible.

A woman I don't know took her life, perhaps for a similar reason. She seems to have felt responsible for the child, for letting the child down.

But autism isn't about parenting or even about individuals (including their genes). If it was, it wouldn't be global and escalating. If it was, the gene responsible (not a gamut of 'suspects' so varied that a recent expert suggested all families have their own genetic autism variant) would have been found.

Autism is about large-scale decisions, and how they affect the vulnerable.

And the only way to fight that is to make equally large-scale change. Which is why, sadly, I suspect the autism rate will continue to climb.

Something causes autism!

Monday, December 20, 2010

fever seems to help...

Just an aside: yesterday our girl had a moderate fever, but was even more switched on than usual. She kept approaching me on the lounge, crawling up beside me and banging heads or suddenly throwing herself at me... Her way of asking for kisses. :-)

She has a good sense of humour and enjoys playing little games, such as the one where she refuses to stand up when I'm trying to lead her from the kitchen to the couch where she has her bottle. She just keeps laughing and scooting along on her bottom, enjoying the pretend growl in my voice and the fact that she's the one in control, not me.

We also enjoy 'Big Eyes'. When you ask if she'll play 'Big Eyes' you put your face right near hers, and suddenly she'll turn and stare really hard, but really briefly, into your eyes. Then she turns away smiling or laughing... Again she's in control.

Fun moments.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

One of those days...

Little girl at home with the vomits... Wish she knew to let it out instead of throwing her head back and crying/inhaling... :-( But at least she's learned we're here to comfort her; there was a long time when she didn't understand we were on her side.

The improvement in her ability to relate came only recently, after removing wheat and gluten from the family cupboard. Recently a teacher had said our older son may have ADD (the passive variety). His concentration and focus had been impaired for a while, and he was beginning to lag behind other children academically. (Remember, our son had the mercury-laden Hep B jab at age 2, not as a newborn. Things are never simple.) Without wheat or gluten his concentration and focus did a fast turnaround; a byproduct of this pantry-change was that our girl's eye contact and attention span improved too.

Most people encounter 'gluten free' advice early in ASD diagnosis, as did we. However when we had tried the gluten free (and casein free) diet at the time our girl was first diagnosed (at age 2), she seemed to crash.

As I've said elsewhere, it turns out that our early attempt at dietary intervention had probably ushered in a new set of problems via dissolved aluminium in the packaged rice milk. Chelation with alpha lipoic acid brought an almost immediate recovery of her swallowing reflex, but the detour was long, and it didn't seem a gluten free diet could be helpful.

However my son's more recent school troubles made trying anything worthwhile. Once again I de-glutened the house.

Immediately our son's focus improved massively at school, and our girl became more alert, switched-on and happy. She began choosing to snuggle up to us on the couch, and to initiate tickling and other non-structured play. This is very new and very unexpected. Not all the surprises that come with autism are bad.

It's the small positives that make this journey bearable. Some children advance to normality while for others a rare piercing look, or choosing to lean against a parent for comfort, are just as powerful.

Meanwhile of course there are the low points... Like trying to help a child learn not to inhale vomit.

Something causes autism.

Monday, November 22, 2010

competition keeps us solo...

When you have to scrap for services the way we do here in Australia, you don't get time to join forces and push for change.

The wait for services is typically six months, sometimes a year. The only way I've acquired services for Milli is to jump the queue with letters spelling out our extreme need. I'm sure others are in extreme need too, but when you're drowning, you're hardly capable of noticing who else is in the water.

Maybe if the government found money to fund more respite care and intervention, we'd all have a moment of rest. And in that moment I'm sure parents of disabled children would see ourselves in others' eyes, and maybe even join hands. And then we'd really start to get something done.

For instance, we might think about the current scientific paradigm and ask ourselves whether it's normal for a genetic illness to increase in the population over time? No, it isn't.

Or we might question why the Hepatitis B jab introduced mercury to a host of newborns exactly as it was being phased out of vaccines for older children?

Or we might ask why government and commercial funding is being poured into finding the genes involved and no money (to my knowledge) is being channelled toward finding and removing the environmental factors?

Something causes autism. But prevention doesn't bring shouts of 'Eureka!'

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So you thought bird flu was bad...


If you can't access the link, in brief it's an article by Dr Mercola about American-made flu vaccines that turned out, once they arrived in the Czech Republic, to be pure H5N1 (avian flu) instead. Fortunately for the Czechs and probably the world, the 'mix-up' was discovered before the contaminated vaccines were released to the public.

Mercola argues that if the bird flu jabs had been administered to patients who also developed ordinary flu, the result might very well have been a new flu that not only caused high mortality but spread massively more efficiently than the original avian disease. Notably the US had also begun to buy huge stocks of avian flu vaccine in the expectation of a pandemic. The article suggests that the companies likely to profit by sales of avian flu vaccines may have deliberately attempted to engineer their required use.

Weird, and almost unbelievable... And yet I'm reminded of the feeling I had when I first read that autism may be linked to heavy metals in vaccines. I thought, 'Oh it couldn't be true.' Yet when I chelated Milli to remove heavy metals, it brought back her swallowing reflex and allowed her to eat and drink.

'Oh it couldn't be true' is a knee-jerk reaction to something that threatens to upset deep-held beliefs, whether it's the belief that our authorities would never allow dangerous substances in vaccines, or that corporations would never release deadly epidemics in order to sell drugs. These beliefs are all we have been system and chaos; but sometimes, just occasionally, maybe the chaos is real.

More and more each year, something causes autism.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The gene hunt goes on...

Autism researchers go to great lengths to contain autism within a 'genetic' paradigm.

Early on, researchers said there might be one or two mutations involved.

When the search for those lone genes failed, the number of 'genetic risk factors' was extended to include hundreds. In keeping with the 'genetic' paradigm, researchers have suggested that each family may have its own form of autism unique to its genes. (http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/healthday/639982.html)

If every case of autism has its own 'genetic risk factor', then in what way is the syndrome genetic? By this logic, breaking your leg could be seen as genetic. A family where broken bones happen fairly often would almost certainly have 'genetic risk factors'. Of course, it could be that their staircase is uneven. If you choose to locate the weakness in their genes, you'd never know.

Welcome to the 'everything is genetic' age... Of course, blinkered thinking is probably genetic too.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Are paid 'pro-vaxers' dumping on alternate voices?

It used to be that when you googled 'autism and mercury' you found a host of well argued and researched papers, websites and personal accounts. Where are they now? Submerged by the deluge of websites run by medical experts, scientists or pro-science 'sceptics' poking fun and ridicule at anyone they call 'anti-vax'.

If I had my time again I'd still give my girl the DTP and Hib vaccines but I'd definitely hold back on the mercury laden Hep B newborn jab.

Is that anti vaccine? Nope. It's just informed choice. But you wouldn't know it reading the anti-choice blogs.

When science shields science, you have to worry about the world...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

autism and politics

In 'Facing Autism in new Brunswick', Harold L Doherty talks eloquently about voting for a candidate most likely to improve facilities and treatment for people with autism.

If autism affects one in 100-160 (depending on source of figures) children in Australia, then that's a large number of voters who might make a difference.

Years ago I wrote a long letter to a Greens candidate here about autism and possible causes, but unfortunately that was in the days before the Greens had any Federal representation and therefore input on health. Now they do have representation, but the story of autism is so complex and so caught up in pharmaceutical, commercial and government interests that obtaining funding for 'environmental' causes seems unlikely. But perhaps improved treatment and support are obtainable.

Maybe now's the time to start talking as a group. Something causes autism.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

gene spleen

Yet again I'm annoyed at the mainstream news for pussyfooting around dispensing the usual 'autism is linked to genes' spiel.
Yes, yes, linked to genes: but only at the level of a sensitivity to something environmental. Sometimes they grudgingly admit there are environmental factors, but only as 'triggers'. The image given is of autism as a genetically loaded gun just waiting to fire.

I'm currently working in schools, and in some schools, every class of about 25-30 students has at least 2 diagnosed spectrum children and a handful of others I'd be tempted to want to run by a good paediatrician. Something's badly rotten in the state of Denmark.

Actually, after reading the full report of the most famous study that supposedly exonerated Thimerosal, I'm not just speaking figuratively... Denmark was the site of the study. Every criticism I've read of the report seemed borne out when I looked at the source material: they changed the diagnostic parameters to include a wider range of patients, thus inflating the numbers. At the end of the study they were able to say that despite Thimerosal being withdrawn, the autism rate had climbed.

So next time you read that the Danish study was 'badly flawed', rest assured, they're not exaggerating.

I'll try to dig out the links I browsed...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

autism and hepatitis B vaccine in newborns...

An interesting link that suggests a finding of triple autism rates in Hep B vaccinated boys. Sorry but you'll need to copy and past the URL into your browser...


My son, who isn't autistic, was not vaccinated as a newborn; my daughter was. We lived in 2 different houses for both births, so this doesn't necessarily indicate a link. But the study, if accurate, gives reason to look further into vaccination and autism.

Monday, May 17, 2010

three cheers for the sleep deprived

Oh boy, another all-nighter. I gave up at 1am and took her downstairs so the rest of the house could sleep. She went around giggling and thumping the piano keys (luckily at the opposite end of the house to all the bedrooms).

I could be a productive person... In another life I was. This illness has taken not just one potential worker out of the system, but a whole family.

When is the government going to ask itself whether the cost of ignorance is finally getting too high? Gene research is blinkered research. Someone has to remove the blindfold to look for the causes of autism.

I've often wondered whether the heads of the big chemical and pharmaceutical corporations eat organic food? And do their children receive the Hep B jab that contains mercury, or the version that doesn't?

If you were a doctor, and you could give your child one of two jabs, the only difference being whether it contains mercury or a different adjuvant, what would you do?

Something causes autism!

Monday, April 12, 2010

shifting diagnoses

Damn, the head in the sand strategy can't work forever...Was going along fairly well in the shadowy realm of non-diagnosis.
Maybe autism, maybe rett. Then one casual expert visitor drops the bombshell... 'You know you'll have to keep an eye on her for pneumonia.' Because of swallowing difficulties, rett girls often inhale what they're meant to drink.

It shouldn't feel like a bombshell because I've suspected it all along, from day one. (Damn google, it's so easy to diagnose, especially when the doctor says 'dunno, look it up'.) But so far the therapists have shrugged and said, 'All kids with autism are different.' Autism is her official diagnosis. Many times we raised rett syndrome with her paediatrician, but he didn't think it was likely.

Rett has a more troubling prognosis and it seems fairly common for rett kids to die of pneumonia or cardiac arrest in their teens.

The 'scientific' difference is that rett is seen as provably genetic (with autism they're still hunting for genes). But genetic tests don't pick up all rett cases, and just recently a second genetic mutation has been found, which implies that it's not a simple one-to-one relationship. Differences in syndrome severity are explained by which X chromosome controls neurons (one X chromosome being rett-affected) rather than by environmental contributions.

Researchers seem to work backwards from a belief in genetic causes to locate the genes 'responsible'. In the case of rett syndrome they have manufactured a similar (or, as they believe, identical) illness in rodents by mutating a particular gene. I can't help wondering what they used as a mutagen.

There may well be genetic predispositions and causes for various syndromes; I'm not arguing against that. However it may also be true that under conditions of non-exposure to particular agents the genetic mutations involved may never actually cause disease. Under the genetic model, we'll never know for sure.

Our girl underwent a massive improvement within 2 days of chelation. That's all I know.

Something causes autism.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Not Drowning: Waving!

Another setback for parents trying to gain recognition that their children may have been harmed by adjuvants and/or preservatives in vaccines.

Apparently their case for compensation has been thrown out.

Well, that's predictable... Here's what I wrote under the list of comments (many of which were scathing about the horrible people who refuse to vaccinate, thereby spreading disease):

"Not Drowning: Waving...

"Parents seeking to increase public awareness of the causes of autism are not 'anti vaccine' but pro-prevention. They're not scrabbling for personal profit, they're alerting others to a situation of government and industry complicity.

The studies that proved thimerosal safe were unconvincing and poorly done. It's time to lift the cone of silence that surrounds environmental factors like heavy metals, vaccines and pesticides.

While autism continues to be called 'genetic', parents who have seen good results using chelation (removal of heavy metals such as the mercury in Thimerosal) will continue to press for change."

No doubt I'll get a barrage of nasty emails, as I included my email address in the post... But maybe someone will hear the word 'chelation' and do some research?

Meanwhile my girl is still in her happy phase, so we can get on with life.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Medico with influence joins the dots!

Wow. The New York Times is running an article about a senior paediatrician calling environmental toxins to account for autism and other increasingly prevalent disorders...
I'm elated! But gee, even for me, it's tough reading...
Get yourself a cup of tea before you try!
PS You might want to copy and paste the link into your browser, as I'm not sure it will work as a direct link.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Australia Day to cheer for

Interesting channel 10 daily news program yesterday about autism 'can it be cured'. A woman spoke very clearly and concisely about how heavy metals removal and gut health intervention turned her girl around. Exactly what happened to Milli. Naysaying didn't make her flounder. She got the message through.

Good on the Mindd foundation! Doctors still rely on government-pharmaco 'Dunno' and deride chelation.

This was a fantastic Australia Day segment!

Something causes autism.

Monday, January 4, 2010

one of those days

Christmas always does it to me... The house fills with people, then suddenly empties. People leave asking us what our plans are and we can't answer because we don't make plans. We just cope from day to day, so the emptiness feels loud.

Meanwhile the hottest topic on my favourite forum is someone's miscarriage. Support posts fill the page. We know what to say when a baby, even a foetus, dies. But when a baby is diagnosed with the loss of some of its brain function...

It's easy to get morbid, but it doesn't help, does it?

Something causes autism.